Suppose we have a very simply Python function called "myfunc":
def myfunc(x): return 2.0 * x;I want to be able to send this function to C++ and use it within my C++ program. To do this I wrote the following C++ code:
#include "Python.h" static PyObject *execMyPyFunc(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *Fx, *pyresult; double x, result; PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dO", &x, &Fx); pyresult = PyObject_CallFunction(Fx, "d", x); result = PyFloat_AsDouble(pyresult); return Py_BuildValue("d", result); } static PyMethodDef C_API_TestMethods[] = { {"execMyPyFunc", execMyPyFunc, METH_VARARGS, "Add documentation here...."}, {NULL, NULL} }; PyMODINIT_FUNC initC_API_Test(void) { Py_InitModule("C_API_Test", C_API_TestMethods); }This creates a DLL (or .pyd for Python) module called "C_API_Test" that I can import into Python. This module contains the function "execMyPyFunc" that I can use within my Python scripts. The function "execMyPyfunc" takes two arguments:
- a double precision scalar
- a python function
I make use of PyObject_CallFunction. My Python script looks like this:
from C_API_Test import execMyPyFunc def myfunc(x): return 2.0 * x; fx = execMyPyFunc(1.28,myfunc) print fxAnd it returns 2.56! Voila! Note: I haven't read up on PY_INCREF & Py_DECREF. They may need to be added here. If someone knows, please let me know. Thanks!
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